Rotor refurbishing

Reverse wear to maintain peak performance

A rotor shell and hub will generally last for a very long time but the rotor foil fins will wear over time. This wear can lead to poor screen performance in terms of quality and capacity.  Signs that there may be a rotor issue include:

  • Having to increase rotor speed to maintain capacity
  • Increased fiber in the screen rejects
  • Vibration or noise

The good news is that the wear can be reversed - either with repairs or a total foil refurbishing. A conversion or upgrade to a newer foil design may even be possible, further improving screen performance.

Benefits expected from performing routine inspections and servicing of your rotors include:

  • Improved screen performance and reliability
  • Upgraded equipment capable of handling new production or quality requirements
  • Better maintenance planning and sustainability practices

Whether you need a quick repair or a full refurbish, contact us:      

AFT Service screen rotor refurbishing