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What types of documents are available in the Resource Center?

The AFT library includes documents such as product brochures, published articles, case studies, technical product sheets, installation instructions, and presentations.

How do I search a topic in the Resource Center?

Documents can be search in 4 primary ways:

  1. By latest releases or trending topics
  2. By key categories in the general search lists
  3. By more specific category tags (hold down the ctrl key to select multiple)
  4. By a general word search

Do I have to register to view installation instructions?

Yes - there are two registration levels: one for public view and one for customers. A mill customer can see more detailed information. The site also contains “Corporate Portals”, for sharing confidential data within a specific domain or with a specific list of users - such as on a large project. You will only see portal data if you are a member of the portal. If you feel there is a portal that you should be a member of, please contact us.

What languages are documents available in?

Documents are available in English, French, Portuguese, German, Russian and Chinese - with additional languages being added in the coming year.

Who do I contact for more information?

If you do not find what you are looking for, please contact your local sales representative or email us at one of the addresses below:

North & South America:  amesales@aft-global.com

Europe, Africa, Asia & Far East: sales@aft-global.com