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Lista do Centro de Pesquisas

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Finebar refiner plates


Finebar® patented refining technologies are used to produce ultra-low intensity refiner plate patterns which enhance pulp strength, save energy and extend plate life.
OCC 10 Improvement Strategies


Discussed are 10 simple strategies to optimize OCC quality, capacity and reduce energy using low-cost upgrades to achieve high value, fast payback results.
Equipment Development and Tech Support


Pilot and laboratory facilities boast comprehensive analysis for the development of new products, testing process or fiber changes for fiber processing operations.
Mechanical Audit


The best way to avoid unplanned downtime is simple to do regular mechanical audits. AFT can do them for you or we can teach your maintenance staff on best practices for what to inspect and how often to do it for your stock preparation equipment.
AFT Equipment


The Equipment offers from AFT continue to grow in Screening, Refining and Approach Flow, this is a brief overview of all offers.